Thursday, July 3, 2014


Sorry for anything bad I said in this, like DA FLIP or dang :T
Also Im not Firetigerx, I said so to scare him.


  1. You know, he might be lying. And is wolfhead a scammer...? If she is I'll unbuddy her =U


    1. That's the legit emb0 Ik, he's been around for months on that user. Idk about the info,researched it all myself and seems legit. Don't know if wolfhead is a scammer and I'm just gonna say legit since I like saying legit.

    2. No, I am not a scammer. I was actually there to spy on him. (I buddied embo0 long ago to troll him but he never went on except to accept my request) and he even told me to go get items, but I didn't. I actually faked getting items and when he told em to trade the items that I "got" (which were actually mine) I told him that he actually got trolled. He said he would ban me from AJ so i unbuddied him and left. I then told naffy and the others and we decided to mess with embo0. If you don't believe me then ask naffy. She was with me when we were messing with embo0.
